Stay Connected
In order to continue to grow & keep this Alumni Associations going for yours to come, we need to Alumni to volunteer their time and give back. You can join one of our four committee or become an executive within the association. Please read below for description of all the positions & associated time commitment. We would love for you to be involved.
How to get involved
Scholarship Committee
Scholarship: chooses candidates who are awarded the senior scholarship at MHS
Outreach Committee
Outreach: Creates a quarterly newsletter that highlights the amazing accomplishments of alum as well as current high school students. In Charge of growing the association as a whole.
Communications Committee
Fundraising Committee
Communication: runs all social media platforms for the association as well as choosing the alumni spotlight candidates.
Fundraising: plans and organizes events for the alumni association such as Reunions and networking events.
Committee Head
Overseas their committee, coordinates and runs the committees monthly meetings
Class Representative
You are required to reach out to people from your graduating class to have them join the association and let them know about any updates regarding events.
Executive Positions
Meets with stakeholders from the community, overseas the entire association and runs monthly meetings.
Manages the money and bank account for the association.
Vice President
Works with the President to meet with stakeholders for the community and to further the goals of the association.
Records notes at all meetings, corresponds with alumni
Time Commitment
Committees: One meeting per month for your individual committee. One optional meeting per month with the entire alumni association. With some work between meetings in order to further the alumni association as a whole.
Executive positions: One meeting per month for your individual committee. One meeting per month with the entire alumni association. As well as individual work depending on the position you hold.